

    build a website

    Simplicity. In just about every case, a simple interface will be superior to a more complicated one that affords the same functionality. Figuring out ways to simplify an interface that has become overly convoluted or cluttered can improve UX at a stroke.

  • Three Cornerstones of High Quality User Experience

    User experience (UX) has become a key concern for companies of all kinds in many industries. Apps and sites that do not encourage high-quality UX inevitably fail to serve their users and owners as well as they could.


    UX Design experts have developed a number of guiding principles that can be used to ensure the most common mistakes will be avoided. Agencies like UX 4Sight regularly make it clear to their clients that adherence to these best practices will always pay off.


    A Few Basic Ideas Lead to Better UX


    Simply taking UX seriously in a focused, determined way is always a positive first step. Many companies discover, though, that things become more difficult thereafter, with obvious means of making progress toward the goal not always appearing.

    When such impasses arise, it often makes the most sense to simply fall back on the fundamentals. A few concepts the acknowledgment of which tends to lead to better UX are the importance of:


    Simplicity. In just about every case, a simple interface will be superior to a more complicated one that affords the same functionality. Figuring out ways to simplify an interface that has become overly convoluted or cluttered can improve UX at a stroke. Beginning from the simplest possible starting point and being careful and parsimonious about adding extra complexity are proven ways to maintain UX quality. Users inevitably appreciate simple interfaces both initially and over the long term.


    Psychology. All UX is determined not just by the details of the interface or system but also by the subjective state of the user. While in-depth knowledge of human psychology is not always required to ensure satisfying UX, familiarity with the very basics will often prove helpful. The best interfaces tend to reflect and account for psychology in ways that never feel unnatural or forced.


    Consistency. Some user interfaces maintain high-quality UX through certain processes or areas but fall short in others. Oftentimes, it will be a lack of consistently that produces such jarring experiences. Consistency can be ensured by laying out well defined standards from the very beginning of a project. Failing to do so will tend to encourage the development of inconsistent, ad hoc solutions later on.


    Toward a Better User Interface


    Whether the goal at hand is to build a website or to launch a new app, guiding principles like these contribute to better UX. As a look at a website like www.ux4sight.com will reveal, there are many particular ways to put these general ideas into practice.